Sunday, June 14, 2009

things i need to do

1. GYM -- now that my knee is semi-healed i think i need to start going to the gym more. I gotta get in shape or something.
2. Simplify -- (must) get rid of clothes, papers, boxes of junk and other unnecessary stuff that is cluttering my room
3. Clean up -- my room, my car..
4. Plan -- Vegas trip, and hopefully another one after that
5. Complete my summer to do list

friendships that I probably appreciate the most

Friendships are an important essential to life but I admit I totally suck when it comes to keeping in touch with those who I don't see that often. It's not that I don't want to see them or that I forget about them. It's just I suck at it. I think I'm one of those 'out of sight, out of mind' kind of people. That's why there is a certain type of friendship that I appreciate the most. I appreciate those friendships that are simply effortless. Those friendships that are low maintenance. Friends that I don't have to keep updated with everyday but when we hang out every so often, it's like nothing has ever changed.

I don't know if that even makes sense but I really do appreciate those friendships!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm a hazard to myself

don't let me get me!!!!

I've been hurting myself left and right lately, well not really but kind of. My knee is all scraped up and this morning I burnt my finger on accident. It hurts!!!! My knee is really gross looking though AND it sucks because it looks like it's going to scar. It's kind of pink-ish like new skin or something. Ehh, it's gross!

I have to clean up my room today.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


hurts really bad.

Noah, Steph and I were at the park today.
Long story short: we were playing at the park, he was running around with Steph, then all of a sudden decided to head for the street, there were lots of cars, Steph couldn't catch him. So I had to run after him, after running so fast and stepping on his leash, he stopped and with the momentum of running so fast...I ran, tripped and fell face first into the concrete!

Result: Scraped knee (swollen and all), twisted my wrist, hurt my hand and shoulder. My cheek/jaw hurts AND my iPhone is scratched.


On a brighter note, I saw the movie UP!

Pixar movies NEVER fail, right? RIGHT! UP was fabulous. It had heart felt moments, cute moments, and definitely funny moments. The movie was a bit touching/sad like any other Pixar movie. The characters were very cute. Overall, this movie was great and not to mention hilarious.

Definitely recommend it to anyone (especially if you like Pixar movies).

Oh yes, I'm also happy to say that my parents had a fabulous time at the Andrea Bocelli show which makes me very happy because they deserve it and the tickets were expensive so it's good to know it was well worth it!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Final grades have been posted and the results are..
ANTHR*002 69397 Archaeology - B 3.00
COMM*008 69675 Interpersonl Commun - A 3.00
ENGL*001B 69863 English Composition - W
ENGL*992 73824 Writing Lab - NC 0.00
MATH*010 70250 Elem Statistics-Honors - A 3.00
PE*4.29 70553 Body Sculpting - A 1.00

So Close to a 4.0, gahhh... WHY KINDON, WHY ME!?

Random thoughts

that I thought I would point out.

#1. My iPhone is SO crazy. Sometimes it updates and sometime it chooses not to. What's up with this chaos?! I hate it. I just want to sync some new music! Is that too much to ask for?

#2. I utterly jealous of those who are attending BFD tomorrow. I just don't want to admit it. I want to see TBS!!!! Why do I have to babysit? Oh yeah, because I bought my parents tickets to a show on the same day. Why!!!!

#3. Alcohol makes me sleepy. Gah.

#4. I want to attend the Great American Food and Music Festival! I want to see Bobby Flay!!!!

#5. I'm going to visit UCLA/apartment hunting with my parents at the end of June! I'm pretty excited for that. Yayyyy..

#6. I think it's time for bed now. It's late.

#7. I park under this tree that likes to rain sap on my car. I need a car wash. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

#8. I'm watching the movie..UP! tomorrow, I think. Yayyy, I'm so excited! From what I hear, it's a good movie.

#9. Planning the Vegas trip on Sunday with Kristine! This makes me excited. Something to look forward to. Finally a summer trip. FINALLY.

#10. I need to start my summer to do list, as soon as possible...ASAP!!!!

That's all for now. Goodnight readers!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stimulating our economy.

I went shopping today and got summer clothes!


Even though our weather is a bit gloomy and we are suppose to experience some thunder storms (although I haven't seen any yet), we're suppose to get sunny skies all through the weekend! Despite the ugly weather, I still plan on enjoying the clothes that I purchased today.

BFD is this weekend. I really wanted to go BUT Andrea Bocelli is also coming to SJ the same day. My parents are big fans and so I purchased them tickets to the show. I really think they deserve to go out and have a fabulous time because (1) they are the best parents ever, (2) they work all the time and don't have that much time to relax, and (3) I just think they deserve to have some couple (romantic) time. Since my lil sis is only 12 and is a scaredy cat (who can't stay home alone at night), I told her I'd hang out with her...AND take her to see UP! I'm so excited to see it!! Andrea Bocelli better put on a great show, $500 worth of greatness!

Vegas, oh VEGAS. I really wanna go to Las Vegas. I hope my friends don't flake. Gah.

I never know what to do now because all my shows that I usually watch (during prime time tv hrs) are over!!! Wahh!! I guess I gotta watch these reality shows til' they come back.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Although it was a bit hard to take Sylar seriously, I mean Spock..I thought StarTrek was amazing! The story line was interesting, it wasn't predictable, and most of the characters fit their role exceeding well. Before this, the only thing I knew about StarTrek was that Professor Xavier (from X men) played the captain BUT apparently this is nothing like that story! Anyways, I loved the movie.


I gotta get back to watching Heroes. I'm way behind.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

5:12 AM

It's hella late or hella early for some. It's the ultimate crackhead time right now. I was driving home and I saw a hitch hiker on the road, I felt bad for the guy...I wonder why he was stranded in the middle of SJ. I didn't stop to find out of course because what if he was a creeper or something? Hopefully some one will save him, haha. Anyways, I can't sleep right now because I feel asleep at 12-ish at Emman's so now that I'm home..I'm wide awake. I definitely have to sleep before the sun goes up though!

Lately, my blogs have been lacking interesting content but that's because my summer has only started a couple days ago. I'm so excited for this summer. I even made a to do list for my summer.

1. Do something EXTREME!!!!!
2. Do something that I've never done before
3. Do something for a good cause
4. Go somewhere I've never been
5. Buy a Louis V purse
6. Eat amazing food
7. Get back into shape
8. Have fun & Relax
9. Make $$$

That's all I have for now. I'll elaborate later. Goodnight folks!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An excuse not to write my paper.

Stole this from Hermildope. Thanks. :]

A - Age: 21

B - Bed size: Queen

C - Chore you hate: Picking up poop and or cleaning the bathroom

D - Dog's name: noah

E - Essential start your day item: television

F - Favorite color: orange

G - Gold or Silver: gold

H - Height: 5'6"

I - Instruments you play(ed): piano

J - Job title: Office Manager

K - Kid(s): I want 2.

L - Living arrangements: Live with my parents.

M - Mom's name: Kim

N- Nicknames: Patty, Tricia

O - Overnight hospital: Never slept over night

P- Pet Peeve: aggressive people, angry drunks, smart asses, people who don't know how to merge, and the list goes on

Q - Quote from a movie: "Stay classy San Diego" -Anchorman

R - Right or left handed: right handed

S - Siblings: two older brothers, and one little sister

T - Time you wake up: 8:30-ish

U- Underwear: lacey ones :)

V - Vegetable you dislike: tomatoes, avocados, squash, bittermelon

W - Ways that make you run late: my laziness

X - X-rays you've had: for my leg, i broke it when i was 8

Y - Yummy food you make: mmm, whatever is playing on the foodnetwork haha

Z - Zoo favorite: monkeys and chimps!


Long story short: My mom rents out this house in ESSJ. Tenants do not comply with certain regulations. They are also stealing electricity from the last tenant (who forgot to cancel their acct. I guess) AND water from the city (they apparently unlocked the sewer line thing). Now my mom is upset cas the tenants are crooks. Pure STREESSSSSS.

I wish I could be more calm. I used to be so calm when a situation or problem arose but now I just get so infuriated. I hate people that take advantage of the system! Where can you find honest people these days?!

I think the possible frustration could be from my statistics final tomorrow. Why on earth do I have a final on a Friday...when I don't even have class on Friday?!!?!? Gahhh! I'm so upset. I hate it.

I gotta go back to writing my paper. I probably won't finish until tomorrow anyways.


This week is FINALS WEEK.

I had 3 finals already and I have one left tomorrow.
I have one more final tomorrow which is Statistics. I also have a paper due and 7 chapters worth of homework which I plan on finishing today if I can. It sucks, I know.

After this final, I will be officially done with my spring semester and done with WV.

More ranting about this matter later. I have to go pick up my sis and study with my classmates. Wahhh!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want to become a Vegetarian!

I don't want to eat animals anymore.
I ate a (vegan) Boca burger today for lunch and it was amazingly tasty. Then it hit me, in about 5-10 years technology will come a long way and develop tasty soy seafood or something. I can give up meat but I can't give up SEAFOOD! Sounds weird, I know BUT imitation meat taste just like meat! Well some do.

Anyways, my goal is to give up meat completely in 10 years. Seafood is another story though. I don't know if it will actually happen but it's a goal.

i'm excited for HP!!! It looks amazing.

I've been searching for housing in LA recently. It's incredibly expensive. More expensive than tuition. Maybe I should have went to school around here...too bad there aren't good schools besides SCU which is private so it's still more expensive and Stanford which is close but I would never be able to get admission there! Oh well.

It's dead week this week. I have yet to study. I plan on dedicating my weekend and the next couple of days to studying!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

the weather is insane

Why does California have such crazy weather? I feel like every time I step outside I'm going to melt into a puddle of water or something. Jeebus!

Just a short update:
Life is good
Weather is hot
Almost all my shows have come to an end. LOST finale was crazy insane! Grey's Anatomy was awfully sad. Desperate Housewives is airing as I type this. GG tomorrow.
Work is the same, I think it's time I find a new job..or maybe one more job
School is eh..but ending soon. Dead week..this week!

Other than that, almost everything has been the same. Nothing exciting or different. I'm extremely excited for summer. I wanna do adventurous things this summer. Hopefully I will have the $$$ to do so!

Monday, May 11, 2009

We can do it real big

bigger than you ever done it!


current life status: CONTENT, thank God!

2 weeks of school left and I can't wait for it to be over and done with. Although I'm in a rush to get out of a JC and completely SO over it. I would have to say the time that I spent at West Valley was fun. My first year..not so much but as I made friends, joined AGS, etc...West Valley didn't seem so bad anymore, to be honest it was actually really fun. I truly enjoyed my years at WV, the professors were insightful, the friends were amazing, and..for what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mama's day

What a commercialized holiday. We should be celebrating the woman who gave birth to us everyday but whatever, we're in America..and in America, we celebrate commercialized, hallmark holidays. So....I bought my mommy a bouquet of beautiful flowers and yellow roses and top it off with the deluxe set of the Magic Bullet. She was so excited to use it which was adorable.

Then she took my lil sis & I shopping. Yayyyy for summer clothes! :)

...Happy Mama's day to all the mommys in the world! <3

Saturday, May 2, 2009

you've got mail

(I know, the words are flipped but you get the message!) It's because I took it using my mac's camera.

Speaking of almost 3 year old MacBook Pro is starting to become senial. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's because I don't take good enough care of it. So I think I either need to take it in, buy the box set for the upgrade (and iWork & iLife 09') OR just get a new mac.

I mean..look at the thing? It's purely beautiful. If I were to purchase a new macbook, I would just get the regular one not the Pro because I definitely don't have enough to buy it. I WANT IT.

If anyone wants to update their macs to Leopard, iWork & iLife 09', hit me up!!! Family Pack is about $220-ish. Just need 3 more interested people. :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


i love him :)

finished my 10 page paper

dear procrastination (habit of mine),

this is the last time, i swear!
i hate you
why must you always get the best of me?
i think it's time we go our separate ways because you were never good for me anyways.


p.s thank you Starbucks double shot! You did me well. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am happy to inform you that I have been offer admission to UCLA for the fall quarter of 2009.

I hope this is the next big step in my life.

but for now, I have to finish of my LAST semester at WV with good grades. I'm dreading school tomorrow. I have a term paper to finish and a Stats quiz. ;[

Other than that, I've been well. I feel relieved that I know I have been accepted some where. Phew!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hump days are the worse days

I'm sick of this school business. I suck this semester! I feel as if I'm not learning much and I'm not getting much done. Even though this sis my easiest semester. Math is killing me. I hate Stats! I have a test today and I have no idea how to do HALF of what we are going to be tested on.

Things I have to do today:
-Study for Stats & take the test
-AGS meeting
-Anthro term paper
-SCU application
-Watch LOST!!!!

That's about it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

happy 420

Happy 420!!!!

I have to admit..I am loving this weather even though it gets REALLY hot in the afternoon. I love hot days because the nights are always perfect temperature!

Anyways, still haven't heard back from any schools yet. 10 more days til' the end of this month. Hopefully something good will come of this waiting. This also means my Santa Clara application is due in 10 days as well. I plan on finishing that THIS weekend for sure because I'm speaking with my counselor tomorrow.

I've been slacking in school which makes me a bit disappointed in myself but I plan to finish the semester off with a bam!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Being 21 sure does burn a hole in my pocket

Being 21 sure does burn a hole in my pocket. Although I haven't been out much since I've been 21..I'm starting to realize how much money I have been spending on drinks. God damn! It kind of sucks but it's fun. I need to start taking advantage of happy hour or something because my wallet is not appreciating how much I spend on alcohol!

I was so wrong about the fortune cookie! The troubles that ceased to happen was definitely not my college admission stress. I still haven't heard back from any of the colleges I applied to..or the 2 that I applied to. It sucks and it's stressing me out. I feel like I've been checking every day. I even had a dream that a letter came in from one of the colleges..and then UCLA sent me a letter EXCEPT it wasn't a letter regarding my admission. It was a letter regarding a scholarship I was eligible for because the transfer alliance program/honors program. BUT since I do not fill out a FAFSA by March 2nd I can't submit my application! Ah!


Holy Jeebus this sucks.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fortune Cookie

After I had Easter brunch with Emman today, we got fortune cookies. This is what mine said:

"Your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you."

Interesting fortune. I was pondering about it for awhile because I don't think I have any huge troubles in my life and then it came to me! My fortune cookie MUST be referring to application status for the schools I applied to. I haven't heard back yet which makes me a little nervous as well as scared. Ah!

I'm currently watching Kung Fu Panda with my baby sister.. She's leaving for Science Camp tomorrow for the week. So I figured I should spend some time with her before she embarks on what will be one of the greatest weeks of her childhood! Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I remember Science Camp being HELLA fun.

School tomorrow.. ehh ;[ SO OVER IT!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sub par life

i'm starting to think i have a sub par life. god, it sucks. ;P

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

21, finally

I know, I last few entries have been about how I'm almost 21. Finally! I'm 21 and it feels amazing. Well, I haven't really been able to go out and use my 21 year old privileges because it's a school week but I plan on this weekend. The only that sucks about this year is that I didn't receive any presents. ;[ Am I too old to receive presents now? I got some $$ from my dad but I'm pretty sure it's allowance money. Oh well, can't have it all, right? With that said, I think I owe it to myself to buy myself a lovely birthday gift since no one else did to make up for my birthday being sub par. Perhaps it's time to pay another visit to the Louis V store.

Spring break went well. I spent most of my week hanging out, going out, having fun, etc etc. I probably would have had more fun if my birthday was during spring break or at least at the end but it wasn't. My birthday landed on the worst day possible! It was on the monday that I came back from spring break. I was still able to enjoy my birthday though. Thanks for everyone that came out to DnBs, it was fun.

I saw the Expendables over spring break. It was AMAZING. We had great seats. Front row of the lower lodge, perfect view and not too crazy. The crowd seemed a bit crazy but it looked fun. I wanted to dive in and crowd surf but..I didn't.

Now, I'm laying in bed waiting for LOST to start. I should be working on an essay that I have to turn in tomorrow though. I also have a Comm midterm tomorrow but I plan on studying for that tomorrow morning! I know, I'm such as slacker but I'm so not in the mood to study. I feel as if my brain is still on spring break mode or something, like it hasn't turned on. Ahh!

Still haven't heard back from any of UCSD or UCLA. Well, I don't know anyone that has received any information regarding their acceptance for those two schools. So...perhaps there is still hope! As for UCLA, I forgot my log in information. I guess I just have to wait for the mail. LAME.

I'm really excited for this weekend though. Weekend starts tomorrow! Whoooo...:)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am so excited for tomorrow. I'm excited to be 21! Finally.

I really want my Louis V. I'm not sure which one I want yet though. Perhaps a speedy 25.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


2 days shy of Adulthood. Finally. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's college Fridays! It's also the start of Spring break! I don't have much planned but I don't really mind. If I don't end up doing anything spectacular, I will probably just rack in hours at work. I never mind getting extra $krilla!

I'm in a good mood right now because I think I did really well on my Anthropology midterm! I think I did amazing :) Hehehe.

Anyways, I need to start having fun now. Bye!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

4 days til'..

4 days til' midterms
4 days til' the weekend 
4 days til' spring break

14 days til' 21.

Speaking of the number 4, the 4th month...APRIL is coming up. OH how I love April! April = April fools, Birthdays, Easter, 420, Spring break, Vegas, etc, etc. YAY!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Does it bother you?

Does it bother you when you look at a situation and you can see right through it like glass? It's so crystal clear yet the people in the situation aren't aware of it at all. I guess you have to be on the outside looking in to see and understand what the big picture is. Sometimes those that don't know the whole situation first hand..know it all.

Monday, March 16, 2009

PATIENCE is a virtue.

That's something I definitely need to practice. I'm so impatient with the UC system right now. I noticed on Facebook that a lot of people or a few people have written on their status that they got into schools. Why can't the schools I applied to release the status of my application already?

I signed in today and this is what it said "Decisions for transfer applicants will be posted between LATE MARCH through the END OF APRIL 2009." Isn't it late March already? I checked the UCLA website and it said that I would have to check back in APRIL! APRIL? God, it's been months now. I'm so impatient. 

ANYWAYS, I suppose I have a few things to look forward in April.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


OH HOW I LOVE SUNDAY! Sundays are always so relaxing. I'm still in bed and it's already 12:30. I'm such a bum but since it is sunday I don't mind at all. I feel like my brain is rotting from watching these awful yet addicting reality shows. I'm pretty sure shows like Rock of Love are life's most guiltiest pleasure!

Other than being a lazy bum..I haven't been up to much. Just been focused on school and work. I feel like somedays I'm so busy I barely have time to even sit down and breathe but there are other days (like today) where I'm doing absolutely nothing! I'm probably going to start on some homework so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow because GG is on again tomorrow!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


SHIT, I must have slept weird last night because my neck hurts like crazy. I can barely turn it. It's so discomforting.

ANYWAYS, I'm so glad that this week is finally over (school wise). I had a few assignments due this week and a couple of tests. I'm glad that's all over with and might I add I think I did pretty well on my tests. :] Time to go out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


for I have not blogged in almost a month. It's been awhile, I know. I never seem to find the time to blog when I'm online anymore. Come to think of it, I'm not online all that much and when I am I'm either preoccupied with the television OR I'm looking up deals for Las Vegas. YES, that's right Las Vegas. I'm extremely excited for Vegas and to turn 21 (in less than a month kinda). 

From the last time I blogged until now, I can't recall all that has happened but I will certainly try.

Last friday, Emman and I attended a GSW game. It was pretty fun but too bad the Warriors suck. They almost had it too but they lost it at the end. Stephen Jackson is such a ball hog! What a loser!

The weekend before that was Yolanda's 21st Birthday! It was delightful to see everyone! Not to mention, there were some really delicious tacos there. MMM! 

Other than that, I don't really 
remember anything significant that happened. Just the usual stuff.

Last night I watched Watchmen. It was alright. I would give it a 3/5. The content was okay but
 the story line was interesting. The actors that they selected for the movie complemented the roles of the vigilantes well. I didn't enjoy the ending but I was sure thankful that it did end. My butt was sore from sitting for so long. The movie was WAY too long. I think it was about 2 hours and 45 minutes to maybe 3 hrs. There were also a lot of awkward scenes thought now that I think about it. Overall, the movie was good even though it was a little too long.

Another good movie I watched not too long ago was He's just not that into you. It was definitely a cute movie! There were a lot of sweet scenes as well as funny scene. So it wasn't just a sappy love chick flick. 

Okay, that's all for now!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A little update since I haven't updated my blog in awhile. Since the last time I blogged, I have returned to work and started a new semester of school. Nothing has changed much except I have some what of  a hectic schedule on the week days. However, busy days on the week days isn't that bad because at the end of the night I get to relax and watch my favorite shows. School has been okay. All my classes seem okay. I have kind of been slacking a tad bit but I plan on studying and catching up on homework tomorrow. 

ANYWAYS, here are a few pictures to help my effortless update. 

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A little update

I finally finished winter session (on wednesday). I got an A! Yayy..It's been so nice to finally relax and do absolutely nothing. Although, I've been a little lazy and I haven't been going to the gym for the past couple of days. Ek! BUT I feel like I need to relax before the semester starts on monday. I finally finalized my schedule (kinda) for my spring semester. It looks like I will be at school on M-W from 10:55-2:05, and T-TH from 7:45-12:20. As for work, I will probably work Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday! I feel like it's gonna be a busy schedule but i like to be kept busy so it's okay. I'm not taking that hard of courses though. I'm taking Honors Statistics, Archaeology, English 1B and Comm 8.

I really really really want to buy these black R&R jeans or these TRBJ jeans I saw at metropark! I've been on a mission ever since last year to find cute black jeans AND I think I finally found them but I don't know. They didn't have my size in the TRBJ yesterday so I'm waiting to see if they will get my size. I also want to buy this MARC by Marc Jacobs purse.Isn't it cute?! :]

that's all for now!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chúc Mung Nam Moi/恭喜发财!

May everyone have a wonderful year filled with good health and prosperity.

2009 baby!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blame it

ON THE ALCOHOL! Hehehe, I love that song. BUT ANYWAYS,

Ah! Today is so historic. Today represents all the hope that we have for tomorrow and the days to come. I feel like it's such an exciting day because PRESIDENT OBAMA took office today. 44th & 1st baby!! However, I'm not not going to blog about the Inauguration, or Obama.

I decided since I have a little time I'm going to update my blog. Since the new year has started, I haven't really seen much of anyone or anything for that matter because I have been so busy. I'm taking an Anthropology course this wintersession and although I do enjoy it and find it unbelievably interesting, it is a very intensive course. It's only 16 days long. So the content of a 16 week semester is covered in 16 days. Ek! I think I'm doing pretty well in the class though. I got an A on the midterm so I'm feeling pretty confident about the class.

Other than school, I've been keeping myself busy with my new years resolutions. I haven't figured out what hobbie or skill I want to pick up yet but I have started my attempt to be fit. I've been going to the gym several times a week since the 2nd week of january. I've also been eating more healthy and I am very happy to report that I've lost 7 lbs! I'm thinking about kicking up my work out a knotch once the spring semester starts because in the spring my life should be less hectic and stressful! I've also been trying to simplfying by cleaning, and getting rid of stuff. I've somewhat conquer my car and parts my room!

Everything else in my life is lovely although I'd like to have more free time. Tomorrow is going to be wonderful because...
#1. It's my 1 year 7 months anniversary with Emman :]
#2. LOST PREMIERE!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for so long..I'm so excited
#3. I don't have class tomorrow! Yipeeee!

Oh yeah, I went to the zoo the other week. Aren't these chimps just the cutest things!? :]

That's all for now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2 newly added

new year's resolutions for my hopeful list for this year.

-Simplify my life more. I MUST get rid of all this clutter in my life. I have too many things..clothes, books, dvds, etc.

-Learn a new skill. I'm not sure what skill I want to learn yet. I might have to ponder about this one more but for sure I want to pick up a new skill, or a hobbie.

Other than those 2 things, I have one more thing that is newly added to my life. My 8:30 AM Monday through Friday Physical Anthro class. JOY? Not really. It's an intensive course that last about 16 days. 16 weeks = 1 semesters. So everyday is equivalent to a week in a regular semester. Ugh. Oh well, at least it is a new year and that means new episodes on television! :]

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First blog

of the new year.

I know, I know..a little late for blogging about last years memories and this year's resolutions. I've been so busy with life lately that I haven't had time to sit down and recap my year or make new years resolutions. I'm not quite sure how to evaluate 2008 but I feel like I've had a good year. I can't recall any events that were awful or bad that was emotional traumatizing or anything. I feel like bad events, or stressful ones are just life lessons and life lessons help you grow and develop your life skills, and life itself. I feel like I grew up a lot in 2008 and accomplished a few things that I really wanted to achieve. This year was a building year that will hopefully create an independence factor in my life which I will need when I move out! I think that's one of the big things that I want to do this year which brings me to my next point!

For 2009 here are my resolutions!*

1. Get fit
I really gotta do something about this weight issue! I feel SO fat that it's not even funny. So this year I plan to regularly go on a gym and not binge on fatty foods!
2. $ave money
Money in the bank? YEAH RIGHT. Like I have money in the bank? Well, I do but it's definitely not as much as I should have or would like to have. I also get yelled at by my mommy for spending way too much money on clothes, food, random things I don't need, etc. This year I plan to take that advice in to action. I plan to save at least 30% of my paycheck.
3. Move out
I really want to have a place of my own. I am transferring in the fall (hopefully) to a school down in southern California. So if that does not go as planned then I won't know what my living situation will be like but even if I don't move down south I still want to move out.
4. Maintain all the relationships in my life to the best of my ability
I have a great relationship with a lot of people in my life and at this point of my life I feel like all the relationships in my life are at a very good level so therefore I would love to keep it that way if not make it better and when I mean people..I family, friends, best friend, boyfriend etc.
5. Do well in school
No procrastination (or at least minimize). Stay on top of my school work, and study hard. 4.0!!!!
6. Change the world
OKAY, maybe not the world BUT I want to do my part in helping. I want to do something to help the world be a better place whether it be KIVA, Darfur action, Fair Trade even recycling. Sustainablity for the world!

*This list is not in any particular priority order!

Okay enough with all that blabbering. Thanks for reading but I gotta head to bed now because I have school tomorrow at 8AM! Lucky me.