Sunday, January 4, 2009

First blog

of the new year.

I know, I know..a little late for blogging about last years memories and this year's resolutions. I've been so busy with life lately that I haven't had time to sit down and recap my year or make new years resolutions. I'm not quite sure how to evaluate 2008 but I feel like I've had a good year. I can't recall any events that were awful or bad that was emotional traumatizing or anything. I feel like bad events, or stressful ones are just life lessons and life lessons help you grow and develop your life skills, and life itself. I feel like I grew up a lot in 2008 and accomplished a few things that I really wanted to achieve. This year was a building year that will hopefully create an independence factor in my life which I will need when I move out! I think that's one of the big things that I want to do this year which brings me to my next point!

For 2009 here are my resolutions!*

1. Get fit
I really gotta do something about this weight issue! I feel SO fat that it's not even funny. So this year I plan to regularly go on a gym and not binge on fatty foods!
2. $ave money
Money in the bank? YEAH RIGHT. Like I have money in the bank? Well, I do but it's definitely not as much as I should have or would like to have. I also get yelled at by my mommy for spending way too much money on clothes, food, random things I don't need, etc. This year I plan to take that advice in to action. I plan to save at least 30% of my paycheck.
3. Move out
I really want to have a place of my own. I am transferring in the fall (hopefully) to a school down in southern California. So if that does not go as planned then I won't know what my living situation will be like but even if I don't move down south I still want to move out.
4. Maintain all the relationships in my life to the best of my ability
I have a great relationship with a lot of people in my life and at this point of my life I feel like all the relationships in my life are at a very good level so therefore I would love to keep it that way if not make it better and when I mean people..I family, friends, best friend, boyfriend etc.
5. Do well in school
No procrastination (or at least minimize). Stay on top of my school work, and study hard. 4.0!!!!
6. Change the world
OKAY, maybe not the world BUT I want to do my part in helping. I want to do something to help the world be a better place whether it be KIVA, Darfur action, Fair Trade even recycling. Sustainablity for the world!

*This list is not in any particular priority order!

Okay enough with all that blabbering. Thanks for reading but I gotta head to bed now because I have school tomorrow at 8AM! Lucky me.

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