Wednesday, April 8, 2009

21, finally

I know, I last few entries have been about how I'm almost 21. Finally! I'm 21 and it feels amazing. Well, I haven't really been able to go out and use my 21 year old privileges because it's a school week but I plan on this weekend. The only that sucks about this year is that I didn't receive any presents. ;[ Am I too old to receive presents now? I got some $$ from my dad but I'm pretty sure it's allowance money. Oh well, can't have it all, right? With that said, I think I owe it to myself to buy myself a lovely birthday gift since no one else did to make up for my birthday being sub par. Perhaps it's time to pay another visit to the Louis V store.

Spring break went well. I spent most of my week hanging out, going out, having fun, etc etc. I probably would have had more fun if my birthday was during spring break or at least at the end but it wasn't. My birthday landed on the worst day possible! It was on the monday that I came back from spring break. I was still able to enjoy my birthday though. Thanks for everyone that came out to DnBs, it was fun.

I saw the Expendables over spring break. It was AMAZING. We had great seats. Front row of the lower lodge, perfect view and not too crazy. The crowd seemed a bit crazy but it looked fun. I wanted to dive in and crowd surf but..I didn't.

Now, I'm laying in bed waiting for LOST to start. I should be working on an essay that I have to turn in tomorrow though. I also have a Comm midterm tomorrow but I plan on studying for that tomorrow morning! I know, I'm such as slacker but I'm so not in the mood to study. I feel as if my brain is still on spring break mode or something, like it hasn't turned on. Ahh!

Still haven't heard back from any of UCSD or UCLA. Well, I don't know anyone that has received any information regarding their acceptance for those two schools. So...perhaps there is still hope! As for UCLA, I forgot my log in information. I guess I just have to wait for the mail. LAME.

I'm really excited for this weekend though. Weekend starts tomorrow! Whoooo...:)

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