Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fortune Cookie

After I had Easter brunch with Emman today, we got fortune cookies. This is what mine said:

"Your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you."

Interesting fortune. I was pondering about it for awhile because I don't think I have any huge troubles in my life and then it came to me! My fortune cookie MUST be referring to application status for the schools I applied to. I haven't heard back yet which makes me a little nervous as well as scared. Ah!

I'm currently watching Kung Fu Panda with my baby sister.. She's leaving for Science Camp tomorrow for the week. So I figured I should spend some time with her before she embarks on what will be one of the greatest weeks of her childhood! Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I remember Science Camp being HELLA fun.

School tomorrow.. ehh ;[ SO OVER IT!!!

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