Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blame it

ON THE ALCOHOL! Hehehe, I love that song. BUT ANYWAYS,

Ah! Today is so historic. Today represents all the hope that we have for tomorrow and the days to come. I feel like it's such an exciting day because PRESIDENT OBAMA took office today. 44th & 1st baby!! However, I'm not not going to blog about the Inauguration, or Obama.

I decided since I have a little time I'm going to update my blog. Since the new year has started, I haven't really seen much of anyone or anything for that matter because I have been so busy. I'm taking an Anthropology course this wintersession and although I do enjoy it and find it unbelievably interesting, it is a very intensive course. It's only 16 days long. So the content of a 16 week semester is covered in 16 days. Ek! I think I'm doing pretty well in the class though. I got an A on the midterm so I'm feeling pretty confident about the class.

Other than school, I've been keeping myself busy with my new years resolutions. I haven't figured out what hobbie or skill I want to pick up yet but I have started my attempt to be fit. I've been going to the gym several times a week since the 2nd week of january. I've also been eating more healthy and I am very happy to report that I've lost 7 lbs! I'm thinking about kicking up my work out a knotch once the spring semester starts because in the spring my life should be less hectic and stressful! I've also been trying to simplfying by cleaning, and getting rid of stuff. I've somewhat conquer my car and parts my room!

Everything else in my life is lovely although I'd like to have more free time. Tomorrow is going to be wonderful because...
#1. It's my 1 year 7 months anniversary with Emman :]
#2. LOST PREMIERE!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for so long..I'm so excited
#3. I don't have class tomorrow! Yipeeee!

Oh yeah, I went to the zoo the other week. Aren't these chimps just the cutest things!? :]

That's all for now.

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