Saturday, March 7, 2009


for I have not blogged in almost a month. It's been awhile, I know. I never seem to find the time to blog when I'm online anymore. Come to think of it, I'm not online all that much and when I am I'm either preoccupied with the television OR I'm looking up deals for Las Vegas. YES, that's right Las Vegas. I'm extremely excited for Vegas and to turn 21 (in less than a month kinda). 

From the last time I blogged until now, I can't recall all that has happened but I will certainly try.

Last friday, Emman and I attended a GSW game. It was pretty fun but too bad the Warriors suck. They almost had it too but they lost it at the end. Stephen Jackson is such a ball hog! What a loser!

The weekend before that was Yolanda's 21st Birthday! It was delightful to see everyone! Not to mention, there were some really delicious tacos there. MMM! 

Other than that, I don't really 
remember anything significant that happened. Just the usual stuff.

Last night I watched Watchmen. It was alright. I would give it a 3/5. The content was okay but
 the story line was interesting. The actors that they selected for the movie complemented the roles of the vigilantes well. I didn't enjoy the ending but I was sure thankful that it did end. My butt was sore from sitting for so long. The movie was WAY too long. I think it was about 2 hours and 45 minutes to maybe 3 hrs. There were also a lot of awkward scenes thought now that I think about it. Overall, the movie was good even though it was a little too long.

Another good movie I watched not too long ago was He's just not that into you. It was definitely a cute movie! There were a lot of sweet scenes as well as funny scene. So it wasn't just a sappy love chick flick. 

Okay, that's all for now!

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