Sunday, June 7, 2009


hurts really bad.

Noah, Steph and I were at the park today.
Long story short: we were playing at the park, he was running around with Steph, then all of a sudden decided to head for the street, there were lots of cars, Steph couldn't catch him. So I had to run after him, after running so fast and stepping on his leash, he stopped and with the momentum of running so fast...I ran, tripped and fell face first into the concrete!

Result: Scraped knee (swollen and all), twisted my wrist, hurt my hand and shoulder. My cheek/jaw hurts AND my iPhone is scratched.


On a brighter note, I saw the movie UP!

Pixar movies NEVER fail, right? RIGHT! UP was fabulous. It had heart felt moments, cute moments, and definitely funny moments. The movie was a bit touching/sad like any other Pixar movie. The characters were very cute. Overall, this movie was great and not to mention hilarious.

Definitely recommend it to anyone (especially if you like Pixar movies).

Oh yes, I'm also happy to say that my parents had a fabulous time at the Andrea Bocelli show which makes me very happy because they deserve it and the tickets were expensive so it's good to know it was well worth it!

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