Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want to become a Vegetarian!

I don't want to eat animals anymore.
I ate a (vegan) Boca burger today for lunch and it was amazingly tasty. Then it hit me, in about 5-10 years technology will come a long way and develop tasty soy seafood or something. I can give up meat but I can't give up SEAFOOD! Sounds weird, I know BUT imitation meat taste just like meat! Well some do.

Anyways, my goal is to give up meat completely in 10 years. Seafood is another story though. I don't know if it will actually happen but it's a goal.

i'm excited for HP!!! It looks amazing.

I've been searching for housing in LA recently. It's incredibly expensive. More expensive than tuition. Maybe I should have went to school around here...too bad there aren't good schools besides SCU which is private so it's still more expensive and Stanford which is close but I would never be able to get admission there! Oh well.

It's dead week this week. I have yet to study. I plan on dedicating my weekend and the next couple of days to studying!

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