Sunday, June 14, 2009

things i need to do

1. GYM -- now that my knee is semi-healed i think i need to start going to the gym more. I gotta get in shape or something.
2. Simplify -- (must) get rid of clothes, papers, boxes of junk and other unnecessary stuff that is cluttering my room
3. Clean up -- my room, my car..
4. Plan -- Vegas trip, and hopefully another one after that
5. Complete my summer to do list

friendships that I probably appreciate the most

Friendships are an important essential to life but I admit I totally suck when it comes to keeping in touch with those who I don't see that often. It's not that I don't want to see them or that I forget about them. It's just I suck at it. I think I'm one of those 'out of sight, out of mind' kind of people. That's why there is a certain type of friendship that I appreciate the most. I appreciate those friendships that are simply effortless. Those friendships that are low maintenance. Friends that I don't have to keep updated with everyday but when we hang out every so often, it's like nothing has ever changed.

I don't know if that even makes sense but I really do appreciate those friendships!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm a hazard to myself

don't let me get me!!!!

I've been hurting myself left and right lately, well not really but kind of. My knee is all scraped up and this morning I burnt my finger on accident. It hurts!!!! My knee is really gross looking though AND it sucks because it looks like it's going to scar. It's kind of pink-ish like new skin or something. Ehh, it's gross!

I have to clean up my room today.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


hurts really bad.

Noah, Steph and I were at the park today.
Long story short: we were playing at the park, he was running around with Steph, then all of a sudden decided to head for the street, there were lots of cars, Steph couldn't catch him. So I had to run after him, after running so fast and stepping on his leash, he stopped and with the momentum of running so fast...I ran, tripped and fell face first into the concrete!

Result: Scraped knee (swollen and all), twisted my wrist, hurt my hand and shoulder. My cheek/jaw hurts AND my iPhone is scratched.


On a brighter note, I saw the movie UP!

Pixar movies NEVER fail, right? RIGHT! UP was fabulous. It had heart felt moments, cute moments, and definitely funny moments. The movie was a bit touching/sad like any other Pixar movie. The characters were very cute. Overall, this movie was great and not to mention hilarious.

Definitely recommend it to anyone (especially if you like Pixar movies).

Oh yes, I'm also happy to say that my parents had a fabulous time at the Andrea Bocelli show which makes me very happy because they deserve it and the tickets were expensive so it's good to know it was well worth it!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Final grades have been posted and the results are..
ANTHR*002 69397 Archaeology - B 3.00
COMM*008 69675 Interpersonl Commun - A 3.00
ENGL*001B 69863 English Composition - W
ENGL*992 73824 Writing Lab - NC 0.00
MATH*010 70250 Elem Statistics-Honors - A 3.00
PE*4.29 70553 Body Sculpting - A 1.00

So Close to a 4.0, gahhh... WHY KINDON, WHY ME!?

Random thoughts

that I thought I would point out.

#1. My iPhone is SO crazy. Sometimes it updates and sometime it chooses not to. What's up with this chaos?! I hate it. I just want to sync some new music! Is that too much to ask for?

#2. I utterly jealous of those who are attending BFD tomorrow. I just don't want to admit it. I want to see TBS!!!! Why do I have to babysit? Oh yeah, because I bought my parents tickets to a show on the same day. Why!!!!

#3. Alcohol makes me sleepy. Gah.

#4. I want to attend the Great American Food and Music Festival! I want to see Bobby Flay!!!!

#5. I'm going to visit UCLA/apartment hunting with my parents at the end of June! I'm pretty excited for that. Yayyyy..

#6. I think it's time for bed now. It's late.

#7. I park under this tree that likes to rain sap on my car. I need a car wash. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

#8. I'm watching the movie..UP! tomorrow, I think. Yayyy, I'm so excited! From what I hear, it's a good movie.

#9. Planning the Vegas trip on Sunday with Kristine! This makes me excited. Something to look forward to. Finally a summer trip. FINALLY.

#10. I need to start my summer to do list, as soon as possible...ASAP!!!!

That's all for now. Goodnight readers!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stimulating our economy.

I went shopping today and got summer clothes!


Even though our weather is a bit gloomy and we are suppose to experience some thunder storms (although I haven't seen any yet), we're suppose to get sunny skies all through the weekend! Despite the ugly weather, I still plan on enjoying the clothes that I purchased today.

BFD is this weekend. I really wanted to go BUT Andrea Bocelli is also coming to SJ the same day. My parents are big fans and so I purchased them tickets to the show. I really think they deserve to go out and have a fabulous time because (1) they are the best parents ever, (2) they work all the time and don't have that much time to relax, and (3) I just think they deserve to have some couple (romantic) time. Since my lil sis is only 12 and is a scaredy cat (who can't stay home alone at night), I told her I'd hang out with her...AND take her to see UP! I'm so excited to see it!! Andrea Bocelli better put on a great show, $500 worth of greatness!

Vegas, oh VEGAS. I really wanna go to Las Vegas. I hope my friends don't flake. Gah.

I never know what to do now because all my shows that I usually watch (during prime time tv hrs) are over!!! Wahh!! I guess I gotta watch these reality shows til' they come back.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Although it was a bit hard to take Sylar seriously, I mean Spock..I thought StarTrek was amazing! The story line was interesting, it wasn't predictable, and most of the characters fit their role exceeding well. Before this, the only thing I knew about StarTrek was that Professor Xavier (from X men) played the captain BUT apparently this is nothing like that story! Anyways, I loved the movie.


I gotta get back to watching Heroes. I'm way behind.