Sunday, May 31, 2009

5:12 AM

It's hella late or hella early for some. It's the ultimate crackhead time right now. I was driving home and I saw a hitch hiker on the road, I felt bad for the guy...I wonder why he was stranded in the middle of SJ. I didn't stop to find out of course because what if he was a creeper or something? Hopefully some one will save him, haha. Anyways, I can't sleep right now because I feel asleep at 12-ish at Emman's so now that I'm home..I'm wide awake. I definitely have to sleep before the sun goes up though!

Lately, my blogs have been lacking interesting content but that's because my summer has only started a couple days ago. I'm so excited for this summer. I even made a to do list for my summer.

1. Do something EXTREME!!!!!
2. Do something that I've never done before
3. Do something for a good cause
4. Go somewhere I've never been
5. Buy a Louis V purse
6. Eat amazing food
7. Get back into shape
8. Have fun & Relax
9. Make $$$

That's all I have for now. I'll elaborate later. Goodnight folks!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An excuse not to write my paper.

Stole this from Hermildope. Thanks. :]

A - Age: 21

B - Bed size: Queen

C - Chore you hate: Picking up poop and or cleaning the bathroom

D - Dog's name: noah

E - Essential start your day item: television

F - Favorite color: orange

G - Gold or Silver: gold

H - Height: 5'6"

I - Instruments you play(ed): piano

J - Job title: Office Manager

K - Kid(s): I want 2.

L - Living arrangements: Live with my parents.

M - Mom's name: Kim

N- Nicknames: Patty, Tricia

O - Overnight hospital: Never slept over night

P- Pet Peeve: aggressive people, angry drunks, smart asses, people who don't know how to merge, and the list goes on

Q - Quote from a movie: "Stay classy San Diego" -Anchorman

R - Right or left handed: right handed

S - Siblings: two older brothers, and one little sister

T - Time you wake up: 8:30-ish

U- Underwear: lacey ones :)

V - Vegetable you dislike: tomatoes, avocados, squash, bittermelon

W - Ways that make you run late: my laziness

X - X-rays you've had: for my leg, i broke it when i was 8

Y - Yummy food you make: mmm, whatever is playing on the foodnetwork haha

Z - Zoo favorite: monkeys and chimps!


Long story short: My mom rents out this house in ESSJ. Tenants do not comply with certain regulations. They are also stealing electricity from the last tenant (who forgot to cancel their acct. I guess) AND water from the city (they apparently unlocked the sewer line thing). Now my mom is upset cas the tenants are crooks. Pure STREESSSSSS.

I wish I could be more calm. I used to be so calm when a situation or problem arose but now I just get so infuriated. I hate people that take advantage of the system! Where can you find honest people these days?!

I think the possible frustration could be from my statistics final tomorrow. Why on earth do I have a final on a Friday...when I don't even have class on Friday?!!?!? Gahhh! I'm so upset. I hate it.

I gotta go back to writing my paper. I probably won't finish until tomorrow anyways.


This week is FINALS WEEK.

I had 3 finals already and I have one left tomorrow.
I have one more final tomorrow which is Statistics. I also have a paper due and 7 chapters worth of homework which I plan on finishing today if I can. It sucks, I know.

After this final, I will be officially done with my spring semester and done with WV.

More ranting about this matter later. I have to go pick up my sis and study with my classmates. Wahhh!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want to become a Vegetarian!

I don't want to eat animals anymore.
I ate a (vegan) Boca burger today for lunch and it was amazingly tasty. Then it hit me, in about 5-10 years technology will come a long way and develop tasty soy seafood or something. I can give up meat but I can't give up SEAFOOD! Sounds weird, I know BUT imitation meat taste just like meat! Well some do.

Anyways, my goal is to give up meat completely in 10 years. Seafood is another story though. I don't know if it will actually happen but it's a goal.

i'm excited for HP!!! It looks amazing.

I've been searching for housing in LA recently. It's incredibly expensive. More expensive than tuition. Maybe I should have went to school around here...too bad there aren't good schools besides SCU which is private so it's still more expensive and Stanford which is close but I would never be able to get admission there! Oh well.

It's dead week this week. I have yet to study. I plan on dedicating my weekend and the next couple of days to studying!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

the weather is insane

Why does California have such crazy weather? I feel like every time I step outside I'm going to melt into a puddle of water or something. Jeebus!

Just a short update:
Life is good
Weather is hot
Almost all my shows have come to an end. LOST finale was crazy insane! Grey's Anatomy was awfully sad. Desperate Housewives is airing as I type this. GG tomorrow.
Work is the same, I think it's time I find a new job..or maybe one more job
School is eh..but ending soon. Dead week..this week!

Other than that, almost everything has been the same. Nothing exciting or different. I'm extremely excited for summer. I wanna do adventurous things this summer. Hopefully I will have the $$$ to do so!

Monday, May 11, 2009

We can do it real big

bigger than you ever done it!


current life status: CONTENT, thank God!

2 weeks of school left and I can't wait for it to be over and done with. Although I'm in a rush to get out of a JC and completely SO over it. I would have to say the time that I spent at West Valley was fun. My first year..not so much but as I made friends, joined AGS, etc...West Valley didn't seem so bad anymore, to be honest it was actually really fun. I truly enjoyed my years at WV, the professors were insightful, the friends were amazing, and..for what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mama's day

What a commercialized holiday. We should be celebrating the woman who gave birth to us everyday but whatever, we're in America..and in America, we celebrate commercialized, hallmark holidays. So....I bought my mommy a bouquet of beautiful flowers and yellow roses and top it off with the deluxe set of the Magic Bullet. She was so excited to use it which was adorable.

Then she took my lil sis & I shopping. Yayyyy for summer clothes! :)

...Happy Mama's day to all the mommys in the world! <3

Saturday, May 2, 2009

you've got mail

(I know, the words are flipped but you get the message!) It's because I took it using my mac's camera.

Speaking of almost 3 year old MacBook Pro is starting to become senial. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's because I don't take good enough care of it. So I think I either need to take it in, buy the box set for the upgrade (and iWork & iLife 09') OR just get a new mac.

I mean..look at the thing? It's purely beautiful. If I were to purchase a new macbook, I would just get the regular one not the Pro because I definitely don't have enough to buy it. I WANT IT.

If anyone wants to update their macs to Leopard, iWork & iLife 09', hit me up!!! Family Pack is about $220-ish. Just need 3 more interested people. :)