Thursday, April 30, 2009


i love him :)

finished my 10 page paper

dear procrastination (habit of mine),

this is the last time, i swear!
i hate you
why must you always get the best of me?
i think it's time we go our separate ways because you were never good for me anyways.


p.s thank you Starbucks double shot! You did me well. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am happy to inform you that I have been offer admission to UCLA for the fall quarter of 2009.

I hope this is the next big step in my life.

but for now, I have to finish of my LAST semester at WV with good grades. I'm dreading school tomorrow. I have a term paper to finish and a Stats quiz. ;[

Other than that, I've been well. I feel relieved that I know I have been accepted some where. Phew!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hump days are the worse days

I'm sick of this school business. I suck this semester! I feel as if I'm not learning much and I'm not getting much done. Even though this sis my easiest semester. Math is killing me. I hate Stats! I have a test today and I have no idea how to do HALF of what we are going to be tested on.

Things I have to do today:
-Study for Stats & take the test
-AGS meeting
-Anthro term paper
-SCU application
-Watch LOST!!!!

That's about it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

happy 420

Happy 420!!!!

I have to admit..I am loving this weather even though it gets REALLY hot in the afternoon. I love hot days because the nights are always perfect temperature!

Anyways, still haven't heard back from any schools yet. 10 more days til' the end of this month. Hopefully something good will come of this waiting. This also means my Santa Clara application is due in 10 days as well. I plan on finishing that THIS weekend for sure because I'm speaking with my counselor tomorrow.

I've been slacking in school which makes me a bit disappointed in myself but I plan to finish the semester off with a bam!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Being 21 sure does burn a hole in my pocket

Being 21 sure does burn a hole in my pocket. Although I haven't been out much since I've been 21..I'm starting to realize how much money I have been spending on drinks. God damn! It kind of sucks but it's fun. I need to start taking advantage of happy hour or something because my wallet is not appreciating how much I spend on alcohol!

I was so wrong about the fortune cookie! The troubles that ceased to happen was definitely not my college admission stress. I still haven't heard back from any of the colleges I applied to..or the 2 that I applied to. It sucks and it's stressing me out. I feel like I've been checking every day. I even had a dream that a letter came in from one of the colleges..and then UCLA sent me a letter EXCEPT it wasn't a letter regarding my admission. It was a letter regarding a scholarship I was eligible for because the transfer alliance program/honors program. BUT since I do not fill out a FAFSA by March 2nd I can't submit my application! Ah!


Holy Jeebus this sucks.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fortune Cookie

After I had Easter brunch with Emman today, we got fortune cookies. This is what mine said:

"Your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you."

Interesting fortune. I was pondering about it for awhile because I don't think I have any huge troubles in my life and then it came to me! My fortune cookie MUST be referring to application status for the schools I applied to. I haven't heard back yet which makes me a little nervous as well as scared. Ah!

I'm currently watching Kung Fu Panda with my baby sister.. She's leaving for Science Camp tomorrow for the week. So I figured I should spend some time with her before she embarks on what will be one of the greatest weeks of her childhood! Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I remember Science Camp being HELLA fun.

School tomorrow.. ehh ;[ SO OVER IT!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sub par life

i'm starting to think i have a sub par life. god, it sucks. ;P

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

21, finally

I know, I last few entries have been about how I'm almost 21. Finally! I'm 21 and it feels amazing. Well, I haven't really been able to go out and use my 21 year old privileges because it's a school week but I plan on this weekend. The only that sucks about this year is that I didn't receive any presents. ;[ Am I too old to receive presents now? I got some $$ from my dad but I'm pretty sure it's allowance money. Oh well, can't have it all, right? With that said, I think I owe it to myself to buy myself a lovely birthday gift since no one else did to make up for my birthday being sub par. Perhaps it's time to pay another visit to the Louis V store.

Spring break went well. I spent most of my week hanging out, going out, having fun, etc etc. I probably would have had more fun if my birthday was during spring break or at least at the end but it wasn't. My birthday landed on the worst day possible! It was on the monday that I came back from spring break. I was still able to enjoy my birthday though. Thanks for everyone that came out to DnBs, it was fun.

I saw the Expendables over spring break. It was AMAZING. We had great seats. Front row of the lower lodge, perfect view and not too crazy. The crowd seemed a bit crazy but it looked fun. I wanted to dive in and crowd surf but..I didn't.

Now, I'm laying in bed waiting for LOST to start. I should be working on an essay that I have to turn in tomorrow though. I also have a Comm midterm tomorrow but I plan on studying for that tomorrow morning! I know, I'm such as slacker but I'm so not in the mood to study. I feel as if my brain is still on spring break mode or something, like it hasn't turned on. Ahh!

Still haven't heard back from any of UCSD or UCLA. Well, I don't know anyone that has received any information regarding their acceptance for those two schools. So...perhaps there is still hope! As for UCLA, I forgot my log in information. I guess I just have to wait for the mail. LAME.

I'm really excited for this weekend though. Weekend starts tomorrow! Whoooo...:)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am so excited for tomorrow. I'm excited to be 21! Finally.

I really want my Louis V. I'm not sure which one I want yet though. Perhaps a speedy 25.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


2 days shy of Adulthood. Finally. :)