Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's college Fridays! It's also the start of Spring break! I don't have much planned but I don't really mind. If I don't end up doing anything spectacular, I will probably just rack in hours at work. I never mind getting extra $krilla!

I'm in a good mood right now because I think I did really well on my Anthropology midterm! I think I did amazing :) Hehehe.

Anyways, I need to start having fun now. Bye!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

4 days til'..

4 days til' midterms
4 days til' the weekend 
4 days til' spring break

14 days til' 21.

Speaking of the number 4, the 4th month...APRIL is coming up. OH how I love April! April = April fools, Birthdays, Easter, 420, Spring break, Vegas, etc, etc. YAY!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Does it bother you?

Does it bother you when you look at a situation and you can see right through it like glass? It's so crystal clear yet the people in the situation aren't aware of it at all. I guess you have to be on the outside looking in to see and understand what the big picture is. Sometimes those that don't know the whole situation first hand..know it all.

Monday, March 16, 2009

PATIENCE is a virtue.

That's something I definitely need to practice. I'm so impatient with the UC system right now. I noticed on Facebook that a lot of people or a few people have written on their status that they got into schools. Why can't the schools I applied to release the status of my application already?

I signed in today and this is what it said "Decisions for transfer applicants will be posted between LATE MARCH through the END OF APRIL 2009." Isn't it late March already? I checked the UCLA website and it said that I would have to check back in APRIL! APRIL? God, it's been months now. I'm so impatient. 

ANYWAYS, I suppose I have a few things to look forward in April.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


OH HOW I LOVE SUNDAY! Sundays are always so relaxing. I'm still in bed and it's already 12:30. I'm such a bum but since it is sunday I don't mind at all. I feel like my brain is rotting from watching these awful yet addicting reality shows. I'm pretty sure shows like Rock of Love are life's most guiltiest pleasure!

Other than being a lazy bum..I haven't been up to much. Just been focused on school and work. I feel like somedays I'm so busy I barely have time to even sit down and breathe but there are other days (like today) where I'm doing absolutely nothing! I'm probably going to start on some homework so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow because GG is on again tomorrow!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


SHIT, I must have slept weird last night because my neck hurts like crazy. I can barely turn it. It's so discomforting.

ANYWAYS, I'm so glad that this week is finally over (school wise). I had a few assignments due this week and a couple of tests. I'm glad that's all over with and might I add I think I did pretty well on my tests. :] Time to go out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


for I have not blogged in almost a month. It's been awhile, I know. I never seem to find the time to blog when I'm online anymore. Come to think of it, I'm not online all that much and when I am I'm either preoccupied with the television OR I'm looking up deals for Las Vegas. YES, that's right Las Vegas. I'm extremely excited for Vegas and to turn 21 (in less than a month kinda). 

From the last time I blogged until now, I can't recall all that has happened but I will certainly try.

Last friday, Emman and I attended a GSW game. It was pretty fun but too bad the Warriors suck. They almost had it too but they lost it at the end. Stephen Jackson is such a ball hog! What a loser!

The weekend before that was Yolanda's 21st Birthday! It was delightful to see everyone! Not to mention, there were some really delicious tacos there. MMM! 

Other than that, I don't really 
remember anything significant that happened. Just the usual stuff.

Last night I watched Watchmen. It was alright. I would give it a 3/5. The content was okay but
 the story line was interesting. The actors that they selected for the movie complemented the roles of the vigilantes well. I didn't enjoy the ending but I was sure thankful that it did end. My butt was sore from sitting for so long. The movie was WAY too long. I think it was about 2 hours and 45 minutes to maybe 3 hrs. There were also a lot of awkward scenes thought now that I think about it. Overall, the movie was good even though it was a little too long.

Another good movie I watched not too long ago was He's just not that into you. It was definitely a cute movie! There were a lot of sweet scenes as well as funny scene. So it wasn't just a sappy love chick flick. 

Okay, that's all for now!