Saturday, December 20, 2008

This time of year.

Although I love the holidays, and all it's festivities I feel like it is the most stressful time of year. It's like to top off the end of the semester you get the stress of finals and buying gifts all at the same time. I've never had much trouble of finding good presents but I still don't like looking for them. I always get good ideas for presents but the hard part is finding the present at the store, mall, etc. It's so difficult AND not to mention expensive. I just got paid and I'm pretty sure I'm already low on money. On a lighter note, I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. I need to get one more item tomorrow morning and then I'm officially done!

I think that's another thing I must work on. Controlling my spendings. I spend my money on the most ridiculous things, and clothes. To top that off most of my money goes to food/eating out and that has to be the worse out of all the ridiculous things I purchase.

I think I'm going to start my 2009 new years resolution.
1. Save money
2. Be fit
3. Be nice
4. Go on vacation


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